Because BPAN went from accounting for a small minority of patients with Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation diseases, to now being recognized as making up the majority of such patients. With new diagnoses being made every day, there are so many more like Isabel who need our help.
Because we refuse to accept the fate that has been decreed to us for ISABEL.
Because the WDR45 gene itself was only just discovered in 2004, with critical links between disease in the WDR45 gene and deficiencies in autophagy having been made as of only 2014 (and continuing to be made; we are learning more each year).
Because we know of at least one American university with a world-class trained team of geneticists and neurologists who are willing to do the research and to expedite the development of therapeutics for BPAN, but who need the financial resources.
Because people always ask, “What can we do?,” and are eager to rally behind a cause that will literally save children’s lives.
Because exponential advances are being made in genetic research and our ability to treat those with genetic anomalies each year - it is not too late to impact Isabel, and those living with BPAN today with progress and eventually a cure that will benefit the next generation.
Because by pooling together funds from individual donors, we can more specifically direct their use to target this orphan disease.
100% of donations to Isabel’s Chance will be made available to tax exempt universities, hospitals or other institutions in the form of donations or grants specifically ear marked for BPAN research and the development of therapies.

*Use of photographs donated by Kendall Roclord of Roclord Studio